About Us
It is a privately owned independent business that is licensed by MCCSS to operate in the Province of Ontario.
Typically, Norcare places children and youth through the referral process from outside agencies i.e., TCFS, AAFS, KIT FS etc.
Norcare strives to provide a high level of quality care that is Culturally Sensitive and Inclusive.
It is our goal to work in partnership with placing agencies, biological families, and their communities to ensure all aspects of the child’s needs are met while receiving our services in out of home care.
We specialize in working with children who are typically difficult to place for a variety of reasons. Mainly they are high needs children with multiple medical, developmental, physical, and emotional needs.
These children are matched to a home that is best able to meet their needs based on Foster Parent Training and experience. Each Foster Home has a trained worker assigned to work closely with the foster family and child (ren). We also provide the support of two full-time counsellors who work closely with our children and families.
Most children in our care require a multidisciplinary team of professionals to ensure that all their needs are met.
Many of our children receive ongoing medical treatment both out of the province and occasionally out of the Country. (HSC, Winnipeg, Shriner’s Hospital – Minneapolis and Montreal for example.)
Once a child is placed in a Norcare Home, both the Norcare Worker and the Placing Agency Worker are required to fulfill MCCSS guidelines in terms of setting up and attending 7-Day Visits, 30 Day, 90 Day, 180 Day Foster Plans of Care and so on. This system allows us to meet and exceed Ministry Expectations. Workers support each other, the children and the foster family.
Child's Needs
The child's needs are quickly assessed and then a team of professionals is mobilized to create a holistic approach to care that ensures all areas of need are addressed.
A typical client in a Norcare Home would have the benefit of both a Norcare Worker and the Worker along with an Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Speech and Language Pathologist, Counselor and generally a Pediatrician or other Specialist from HSC, Mb.
Norcare is responsible for assessing, referring and ensuring that all disciplines required are put into place on behalf of the team.
Due to the fact that many clients are seriously ill, it is important that the team communicates optimally, information is shared and action taken based on who is best able to get the requirement filled. These roles and responsibilities are clearly outlined and defined at the initial 7-Day Visit and subsequent Foster Plans of Care.
It is our goal to ensure that biological family members are included in planning for their child in our care. Foster Parents are encouraged to develop positive and trusting relationships not only with the child but also their families, with the ultimate goal of providing children with the best possible care so that they may have a successful reunification with their families and communities.